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Visit of the expert on hydroseeding


During the period 17-21.03.2014 the expert on Hydroseeding, Mr. Cristophe Lignier from France, visited the Asbestos mine. During his visit he was guided into the mine in order to see closely and evaluate the work done so far, but also for the inspection of equipment and materials of hydroseeding.

The expert delivered a lecture to the staff on the theory of hydroseeding and analyzed the technique, the methods, the equipment, the application timing and the materials usedin the application ofhydroseeding. After that, practical training of the staff took place in the field. The expert evaluated the methods that are used (materials, quantities in the mixture, application timing, methods of application etc.) and suggested improvement alternatives that will substantially improve the efficiency of the hydro-seeder and the aero-mulcher. The expert will also prepare a report about the key points to be observed by the staff during hydro-seeding application. The report  will  be  made  available  to  the  main  restoration  expert, to  enable  incorporation of essential hydro-seeding guidelines in the restoration guide.