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Expert on mine/quarry restoration

IMG 1767Dr. Georgios Brofas, expert on mine restoration, visited the mine between 26.11.2013 and 28.11.2013. During his visit, he had the opportunity to watch and evaluate the various restoration works carried out in this period of the year in the mine.

He suggested methods and ways to evaluate the success of the various plant species used in restoration as well as the restoration method in general. More particularly he put forward ideas for measures aiming at the improvement of reshaping, ground preparation, and pit opening. He also talked to us about the topsoil quality and how to improve it, about collecting propagation material (seeds etc.), sowing, and hydro-seeding and especially on the timing and methods of application and the quantities of the materials used.

Finally we discussed, about the Mine Restoration Guide which is under preparation by the expert and more specifically on the establishment of the plants (reforestation – planting and sowing).