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Provision of services by the expert on mine restoration

IMG 1138On 10/06/2013, Dr. George Brofas from Greece, specialist on mine and quarry restoration, visited the mine area in the frame of the provision of his services under a contract signed with the Department of Forests. He spent 5 days in the mine area. During the first day he was shown the various parts of the mine to become familiarized with the techniques and methods used.

During his stay, the expert had extensive discussions with local staff, on the methods, techniques and plant species used in mine restoration. There was a productive exchange of ideas, and the staff was really impressed by the long experience and knowledge of Dr Brofas, and the solutions he could suggest on the many specific problems of restoration.

The expert prepared field records forms for the collection of data that will enable an evaluation of the techniques used so far, but mainly on the success of the more than 30 plant species used in restoration/reforestation. He also trained the staff that will conduct the survey, a Biologist and a Forester working on contract in the project.

The data must be collected by the end of July 2013, and then will be sent to the expert who will make the evaluation and elaborate his first recommendations on restoration by the end of September.

Finally the expert, spent a day with an Officer of the Parks & Environment Sector, visiting areas around the mine in search of new plants with potential to be used in restoration.

The expert will revisit the mine in November together with the expert on hydroseeding.